Our Green Screen Videos:
Your own news report
Be the go-to resource for industry insight. You don’t need a cost prohibitive tv studio, with green screen, you can have any background you want. From a virtual studio to a plain white background. You can use one of our presenters or, you can come to us or we can come to you using our extremely portable green screen studio.

Add video to your press release
Why not add a YouTube embed to your press release? This could be a summary of whats discussed along with some answers to likely questions.
You can either use a professional presenter to read for you or, you could do it yourself – we make it easy and accessible for you.
It’s just like reading off an iPad
You may have an expert in your field wanting to present your latest product or service, or perhaps you are a book author wanting to talk about your new book. We use an 10” iPad just above the camera lens as a autocue – all you have to do is email us the script, we copy and paste this over to the iPad and then all you have to do is read what’s on the screen. Editing the text is also a doddle – it’s just like using the notes app or typing an email on your tablet / smart phone.

We can probably film green screen in your office!
We use a portable green screen studio that at most takes 20 minutes to set up, so we can come to your own office. You must have the ability to control the lighting – so, if you can turn the lights off and draw the blinds, the green screen magic should work. The room must also be a minimum of around 3m L x 3m W x 2.5m D.
Training presentation
Rather than use a Powerpoint presentation with perhaps a voice over, you could be on screen at the same time and add more of a connection between your instructor / presenter and your viewer. It makes everything more interactive and personable, especially with the addition of infographics.

We do blue screen too!
You might think – what if i’m wearing my favourite bright green dress? Surely the green bits will be see through right? Well no, a quick flick of the switch turns our green screen to blue screen! So you can wear that green outfit.
Our Green Screen Video Production Clients:

Frequently Asked Questions:
How much does a green screen video cost?
It depends on exactly what you want. A video spokesperson news round-up report of approximately 1-4 minutes costs around £700-£1000 depending on the presenter you choose, whether you require research / scripting whether or not you require motion graphics / infographics.
It’s only a easy peasy 60 second script, could you do it for £50?
Professional presenters / video production specialists generally charge by the half / full day rate and usage also plays a factor such as whether it is a evergreen advert on your home page or a time sensitive press release. A minimum fee applies regardless of how short a video is and this is always a ever changing variable.
I'd like to publish one video a week - can I film these in bulk?
Yes of course – it can work out more economical to film multiple videos in one filming day. If you wanted a years worth of videos – x52, it would be cheaper to film these in bulk over several shoots versus filming each video individually.
Some presenters will charge on a per video basis, some might be happy to do it based on a half / day rate.
What can / can't I achieve with your portable green screen studio?
Our portable set up is ideal for video spokesperson presentations using one presenter. We can film full body shots too but generally, most clients require the shot from the knees / waist up.
We cannot film from multiple angles using the portable green screen. The angle is front on, however, we can get a mix of shot sizes from mid shot to big close up.
For multiple angles or to guarantee more than one person in shot, we would use one of our designated green screen tv studios located in the Winchester or Clapham Junction areas
Can I have the presenter talking about a product that is right beside them on a table?
Can I have the presenter and / or guest on a settee like a informal interview?
Yes, using our designated green screen tv studio, available in the Winchester or Clapham Junction areas.
Can I have two people talking at the same time?
Yes, using our designated green screen tv studios. We cannot guarantee two people can fit within the 2 metre confines of our portable green screen backdrop.
What types of videos can I do using green screen?
As well as the above, green screen can add a stylistic quality to certain aspects of a music video. For example, the lead singer could have a timelapse image of clouds behind them or could be stood on a sun drenched beach – saving the expense of filming on an actual beach.
You may remember adverts by Apple advertising iPods and iTunes featuring dancers in silhouette? Well, that can be achieved using our green screen too.
Do I supply the script?
You can, we can also assist with researching and creating the script. The presenter chosen may also create their own version, tailored to their speaking voice.
As mobile phone signals can be weak within soundproofed studios, we advise getting the script near-on perfect before filming to avoid pausing the shoot to find something out such as how to pronounce a word or phrase from the script.
Why is it called green screen and not purple screen?
Neon green is a fairly uncommon shade to wear on the high street so it’s generally a colour chosen for ‘green screen’ because not many people wear neon green.
You could actually get the same result using neon-purple but generally, green is fairly bold and is easier to ‘cut out’ than other colours.
Whats the turnaround?
We offer same-day turnaround in some circumstances, so film in the morning before noon and deliver by around 2pm.
For most instances, you can expect a rough cut within 3 working days from film completion.
How many revisions can I make and how many can I expect?
The video is usually finished after rough cut 1-3. You can make as many revisions as you’d like, as long as they are sensible and not beyond our original agreement.
Is my office suitable for green-screen filming?
We need a controlled lighting environment which basically translate to if you can turn the lights off and draw the blinds, it should work. We would advise a pre-production meeting where we will come to you to discuss your project and whether or not we can film in your office.
Alternatively, we can film without first visiting your office using our green screen and film against a plain white wall as a backup incase the green screen doesn’t work.
Can I sit in with you whilst you edit?
We do not offer in-house video editing services.
I’d like our staff member to present in front of camera - do you supply presenter training?
We do not provide presenter training and in some cases, your once confident staff member might turn into jelly when the cameras start recording. We always suggest using a professional presenter but do our best to make your own staff member at ease in front of camera.
Does the presenter need to know about my industry?
No, our presenters are experts at making any script sound un-scripted, so they don’t need extensive prior knowledge about your industry.
I am looking for a specific presenter-look for my video, can you help?
Yes, just let us know what you are looking for, we can then forward a curated list of possible candidates we feel might work.
Can I have a celebrity / household name-presenter present for me?
Anything is possible – depending on your budget of course!
Why should I use a TV Presenter over a ‘up and coming’ presenter?
A TV Presenter has spent years honing their skill at basically making any script sound like it’s not a script they are reading.
They have a clear speaking voice, have experience of recorded and live TV so are a key ingredient in making a TV-like video production.
A up and coming presenter may lack experience, it may sound scripted and might not flow, with some pauses. There might be less engagement with the viewer as opposed to a more experienced presenter.
We actively seek new talent, so it comes down to how happy you are with a relatively unknown presenter or a established TV Presenter, depending on your budget.
We can also audition candidates you have selected and carry out screen tests.
Do you have more presenters to choose from other than on this page?
Yes, please contact us direct with a person spec and we can send over a up to date curated list of possible presenters.